# Introduction
In early 2016, I broke the interior meniscus of my right knee into multiple pieces while squatting in the bathroom, caring for my children. Naively, I believed my knee was merely dislocated and could be easily put back in place like in a movie. However, it didn't take long for me to realise the severity of my injury and the necessity of a proper surgery. Almost immediately, I intuitively understood that the way I was eating, working, and sleeping was contributing to my fragile physical state. From that day forward, I made a commitment to completely reset my lifestyle for the better.
Over the years, I have dedicated myself to studying and experimenting with various methods in order to adapt both my body and mind. However, along the way, I also discovered the immense importance of nourishing my spirit. As a result, I have developed a comprehensive routine that I strive to follow, incorporating the knowledge I have gained and catering to the needs of my being in terms of strength, resilience, longevity, and spiritual awakening.
# Summary
| Category | Sub-category | Avg time spent | Activity |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| 👍🏼 Fasting | | | |
| | Dry fasted state | 16 hrs | |
| | Fasting • Fasted state | 22 hrs 30 min | |
| 🧠 Mind | | | |
| | Mental resilience | 25 min | Cold showers • Metcon |
| | Learning | 60 min | Books • Podcasts |
| | Creativity | 1 hr 30 min | Piano • Writing • Work |
| | Cognitive processing | 9 hrs | Work |
| 🫀 Body | | | |
| | Metabolic adaptation | 23 hrs | Fasting • Cold showers • Metcon |
| | Power | 20 min | Strength exercices |
| | Strength endurance | 15 min | Metcon |
| | Mobility | 30 min | Stretching • CrossFit |
| | High intensity | 15 min | Metcon |
| | Low intensity | 30 min | Walking |
| ✨ Spirit | | | |
| | Meditation | 50 min | Meditations • Sound hearing |
| | Vibration elevations | 90 min | Meditations • Art • Prayers |
| ❤️ Happiness | | | |
| | Social bonding | 3 hrs 20 min | Family • School • Sport |
| | Kids time | 2 hrs 20 min | School • Eating • Bedtime |
| | Wife time | 2 hrs 5 min | Breakfast • Dinner • Bedtime |
| 🟢 Commuting | | | |
| | Walking | 30 min | Office ⇒ Sport ⇒ Office |
| | Driving | 45 min | School ⇒ Office ⇒ Home |
| | | | |
| 💰Working | | 9 hrs | |
# Schedule
## 🌘 05:30 • Waking up — 10 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 5 min | Stretching exercices in bed |
| 5 min | Hand-writing my dreams |
> [!tip ]+ Waking up naturally — without an alarm clock
>- Peeing & weighing
> - Brushing teeth ==without sodium fluoride==
> >[!warning] Not switching on my mobile phone or screens 📵
## ☺️ 05:40 • Vivifying — 5 min
| Time | Activity |
| ----- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 5 min | Cold shower at 5-10°C ❄️ ⇒ Anti-inflammation + [[Mitochondria uncoupling]]<br>Deep-breathing 30 times 🫁 |
> [!tip]- Deep-breathing 30 times while having the cold shower
> - Inhale through the nose
> - Exhale through the mouth
## 🧘🏽♂️ 05:45 • Meditating — 15 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 15 min | Meditation |
> [!tip ]+ Doing either a hypnagogic light or neuro-feedback session, or listen to [Brainwaves](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brainwaves-binaural-beats/id450655712) frequencies
> - [[432Hz]] • healing
> - [[528Hz]] • love
> - 396Hz • awakening
> - 639Hz • love abondance
> - etc.
## 🧠 06:00 • Brainstorming — 45 min
| Time | Activity |
| ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 5 min | 📔 Hand-writing how grateful I am |
| 15 min | 📚 Reading a book |
| 10 min | 🧠 Hypnagogic light session, e.g. [Dream Machine](https://dream-machine.tech/en) |
| ——— | 💡 Switching on a screen device |
| 15 min | ⌨️ Note thoughts, ideas and weekly tasks |
> [!tip ]- Taking ==Himalayan Pink Salt== or ==Celtic Salt== for electrolytes, without micro-plastics and mercury / heavy metals
## 🍱 06:45 • Preparing — 45 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 10 min | Preparing food for the family |
| 5 min | Waking up the children |
| 30 min | Helping children until going to school |
> [!tip ]- Fasting until the afternoon
## 🎹 07:30 • Playing piano — 15 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 5 min | Working on scales and rhythms |
| 10 min | Improvising / creating some music 🎶 |
> [!tip ]- Feeling the vibrations in my body
## 🎓 07:45 • School — 60 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 30 min | Driving to schools 🚘 |
| 15 min | Dropping off children 📍 |
| 15 min | Socialising with parents 🙂 |
> [!tip ]+ Enjoying the moment with the children
> - Listening to music in the car
> - Playing games at school before doors open
## 💡 08:45 • Creating at work — 3h30
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 25 min | Catching up on Slack & emails 💌 |
| 35 min | Daily calls 🎧 |
| 2h30 | Working 💯<br>- product, design, roadmap<br>- Slack with teams<br>- email to clients<br>- various calls |
> [!tip ]+ Activating my body
> - Stretching my body on a yoga mat when I'm a passive listener
> - Standing bear foot on my stand up mat #reflexology
## 🎧 12:15 • Grounding to sports — 15 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 15 min | Walking to the CrossFit box 👣 |
> [!tip ]+ While walking
> - Using bare foot shoes to resonate with the Earth frequencies, i.e. 7.83Hz #grounded
> - Listening to podcasts or doing calls while walking
## 🔥 12:30 • Working out — 75 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 60 min | CrossFit session 🏋🏽<br>- mobility<br>- warm-up<br>- strength exercices<br>- metabolic conditioning |
| 5 min | Cold shower at 10°C ❄️ ⇒ Anti-inflammation + [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
| 10 min | Resting + dressing |
> [!tip ]+ Breaking my 16-hour dry fast every 2-3 days with
> - Mineral water or filtered tap water — 1L
> - Apple cider vinegar — 40ml
> - Salt — 0.15g
> - Magnesium chloride — 2,300mg
## 🎧 13:45 • Grounding to the office — 15 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 15 min | Walking to the office 👣 |
> [!tip] While walking
> - Using bare foot shoes to resonate with the Earth frequencies, i.e. 7.83Hz #grounded
> - Listening to podcasts or doing calls while walking
> - Hydrating with my mixed water
## ✅ 14:00 • Executing at work — 4h
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 4h min | Working |
> [!tip ]+ Maximum focus & creativity
> - High cognitive brain functions, i.e. ketone bodies
> - Stable hormonal state, i.e. insulin sensitivity, no digestion
> - Post-workout high mental clarity
> - +1100-1300% growth hormones
> - [[Autophagy]] & body cleansing state
## 🎧 18:00 • Heading to home — 15 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 15 min | Going back to home 🏠 |
> [!tip ]- Listening to podcasts or doing calls while driving
## 🥗 18:15 • Breaking my fast — 45 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 15 min | Breaking my fast |
| 30 min | Family dinner |
> [!tip ]+ Breaking fast with ==organic ingredients only== with a 25% caloric deficit
> ### Break
> - 2 kiwis 🥝
> - Cashew nuts (30g) 🌰
> - 2 eggs 🥚 with
> - Raw grass-fed butter (20g) 🧈
> - [[Oregano]] (3g)
> - [[Cayenne pepper]] (10mg)
> ### Then dinner (one meal a day)
> | Type | Ingredient | Quantity | Targetted nutrients |
> | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
> | Vegetable | 🥦 Broccolis | 150g | [[Sulfur]] • [[Vitamin K]] • [[Vitamin C]] • [[Prebiotic]] |
> | Vegetable | 🍄 Mushrooms | 100g | [[Copper]] • [[Vitamin B5]] |
> | Vegetable | 🌶️ Red pepper | 100g | [[Vitamin C]] |
> | Vegetable | 🥗 Lettuce or green salad | 200g | [[Vitamin K]] • [[Vitamin A]] • [[Folate]] • [[Prebiotic]] |
> | Protein | 🥓 Boiled Lagartos de Porco de Preto | 200g | [[Zinc]] • [[Vitamin K2]] • [[Vitamin B1]] • [[Vitamin B12]] |
> | Protein | 🥛 Sheep Kefir | 200g | [[Probiotic]] • [[Vitamin B2]] • [[Calcium]] • [[Phosphorus]] |
> | Proteins | 🐑 Sheep or goat cheese | 50g | [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
> | Fat | 🧈 Raw grass-fed butter | 20g | [[Omega-3]] • [[Vitamin A]] |
> | Fat | 🫒 Homemade extra-virgin olive oil | 20ml | [[Omega-9]] |
> | Fat | 🐟 Rosita fish oil | 1 tsp | [[Vitamin D]] • [[Vitamin A]] • [[Omega-3]] |
> | Fruit | 🫐 Blueberries or raspberries | 250g | [[Potassium]] |
> | Fruit | 🇲🇽 Dried physalis | 5g | [[Potassium]] |
> | Carbohydrate | 🍫 Dark chocolate | 20g | [[Magnesium]] |
> | Carbohydrate | 🍯 Raw honey | 20g | Antibiotic • Anti-fungus |
> | Herbs | 🌿 Oregan | 2g | [[Polyphenol]] • [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
> | Herbs | 🌿 Rosemary | 1g | [[Polyphenol]] • [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
> | Herbs | 🌿 Thyme | 1g | [[Polyphenol]] • [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
> | Spices | 🟤 Cinnamon | 1 tsp | [[Polyphenol]] • [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
> | Spices | 🟡 Turmeric / Curcuma | 2g | [[Polyphenol]] |
> | Spices | 🔴 Cayenne pepper | 10mg | [[Polyphenol]] • [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
> | Spices | 🟠 Curry | 1g | [[Polyphenol]] |
> | Other | 🌴 Cocoa powder | 2 tsp | [[Magnesium]] |
> | Other | 🧄 Garlic | 1 clove | Antibiotic |
> | Other | 🧅 Spring onions | 20g | Antibiotic |
> | Other | 💊 Himalayan Tartary Buckweat | 1 tsp | [[Polyphenol]] |
> | Other | 💊 [Jarmino Collagen Peptides](https://jarmino.co.uk/products/organic-collagen) | 1 tsp | [[Collagen]] |
> | Other | 💊 CoQ10 | 100-300mg | [[Enzyme]] • Mitochondria |
> | Other | 💊 Ubiquinol | 100mg | [[Enzyme]] |
> | Other | 💊 PQQ | 20mg | [[Enzyme]] |
## 🙏🏽 19:00 • Kids bedtime — 30 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 15 min | Preparing children to go to bed |
| 15 min | Reading stories |
| 5 min | Praying with children |
> [!tip ]- Listening to [Brainwaves](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brainwaves-binaural-beats/id450655712) frequencies
> - [[432Hz]] • healing
> - [[528Hz]] • love
> - 639Hz • love abondance
## 👀 19:30 • Catching up on work — 60 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 60 min | Checking Slack & email messages 💌 |
> [!tip ]- Drinking mineral or filtered water while catching up
## ❤️ 20:30 • Happy wife — 60 min
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 10 min | Hot sauna ⇒ Detox + [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
| 5 min | Infrared light ⇒ [[Mitochondria uncoupling]] |
| 30 min | Reading books in bed |
| 30 min | ==Wife quality time== 💋<br>- talking about children<br>- spirituality updates<br>- etc. |
> [!tip ] Brushing teeth without sodium fluoride
## ✨ 21:30 • Vibrating — 30 min
| Time | Activity |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 15 min | Mediation with my wife 🧘🏽♂️ |
| 15 min | [[Hemi-Sync]] bio-feedback or neuro-feedback exercices, e.g. [NeurOptimal](https://neuroptimal.com/) 🎧 |
>[!tip ] Listening to [Brainwaves](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brainwaves-binaural-beats/id450655712) frequencies while meditating
## 🌒 22:00 • Sleeping
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | ---- |
| 5 min | Thanking & praying |
| 5 min | Practice the Backward Review |
| 7h25 min | Sleeping with ==sound frequencies to awaken my subconscious== |
>[!warning] Switching off my mobile phone 📵
> [!tip ]+ Training my spirit and consciousness to
> - rewinding all events of the day from the moment I go to bed back to when I woke up
> - remember my dreams when I will wake up
> - travel when brain waves are shifting between Delta and Theta
> - experiment lucid dreams
> - embrace out of body experiences